26 January, 2024

Lemon Peel Bread

1 Half-batch no-knead dough
1 fresh lemon, with peel, sliced thinly, then partially dehydrated (just enough to be able to chop it finely without losing juice [flavor] all over), and chopped finely.
1/4 of an orange, peel only, chopped finely. 
1/4 cup pistachio nuts, chopped finely. 
1/3 cup cashew nuts, chopped finely. 
2 tsp monk fruit sweetener. 
2 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped finely. 

◾ Make the no-knead dough, according to the recipe. Note: make it a little softer or wetter than firm. 
◾ Prove the dough for an hour (until it's doubled).
◾ Mix all of the filling ingredients together and let them soak while the bread proves. 
◾ When the dough is proved, mix the filling in with the dough. Suggested: roll the dough out to a 7" (or so) square; spread filling on that square, roll the dough back up. (At this point, it might be interesting to slice the roll like cinnamon rolls, or to roll the new loaf from the end, mixing the ingredients more evenly, or to just bake it as a filled roll.)
◾ Bake at 350 for 35 or 40 minutes. 
Makes one medium-sized loaf.

Note: hot slices just cut off the just-baked loaf with butter: excellent.
Source: The idea just occurred to me as I was watering the lemon tree. 

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