08 March, 2009

Strange Eggs in a Frame

Serves Two hungry guys, or four gentle ladies.


  • 2 slices bread. Homemade is best, of course.
  • 1 or 2 cloves garlic, smashed and chopped
  • Some onion, diced.
  • A slice or two of bacon, fried and chopped into 3/8” chunks
  • Save some bacon grease for frying garlic & onions
  • 3 large eggs or four small ones.
  • 1 TBSP Cajun spices (I like this one)
  • 4 oz cheddar cheese (sharp is best), cubed and/or:
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Maybe some salsa to go on top.


Fry up the garlic and onions on medium heat. Get out a mixing bowl and crack the eggs in it. Add the cooked, diced bacon. Add the spices and cheddar cheese. Stir it up some.

Pre-heat a good ol' cast iron frypan. (Lesser frypans are acceptable if you don't have a well-seasoned black iron pan. Save up your nickels and get one at Goodwill for two bucks.)

Set each piece of bread on a cutting board and cut the middle out with a large glass. Make a good sized hole. (I like to toast the round cutout, and eat it with PBJ while I'm cooking the rest.)

Grease the frypan with butter or bacon grease, put in the bread, and pour in half of the egg mixture into each open piece of bread. It should be more than enough to fill the hole; it'll probably overflow somewhat. This is a good thing.

Cover and let it cook like a pancake without fiddling with it until it starts to smell done. Flip it over, press it flat with the spatula (it may ooze the uncooked innards: this is a fine thing: if it gets out, it gets cooked), cover it again, and let it cook until that side is done. I like to sprinkle Parmesian cheese on it before I cover it on this side.

Serve with more Parmesan sprinkled on top, and maybe some salsa. Works well with juice or even better with hot coffee.

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