02 May, 2008

7 Grain Bread Machine Bread

Add in order:

1 ½ tsp active dry yeast
2 cups unbleached flour
1 ¼ cups whole wheat flour
2 TBSP sugar
1 ½ tsp salt
2 TBSP nonfat dry milk powder
2 TBSP flax seed
¼ cup roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds
2 TBSP roasted sesame seeds
¼ cup cracked wheat
2 TBSP millet
2 TBSP oat bran
2 TBSP butter
1 ⅓ cup water, or a little more to make soft enough dough (watch the dough to make sure it's not too dry).

Feel free to substitute milk for the water and powdered milk. Note: between all the grains and the flours, you're targeting a total of 4 cups.

Set the bread machine on "normal" and fire it off.

Review: This makes a very heavy loaf that's chock full of seeds and grains. It's become a favorite at our home. We vary the proportion of the various grains and seeds; personally, I love to emphasize the millet: very crunchy. Just make sure the grain/seeds total never goes above 1½ cups and the flour (white and/or wheat) never drops below 2½ cups, and you always have at least half of the flour in white flour.

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